IntroductionBy introducing data-informed practices and whole-college solutions, ATD Network colleges are outpacing peer institutions when it comes to helping more students get better jobs, live better lives and have positive college experiences.
Redefining Student Success
Many community college students face academic and personal challenges that prevent them from success
in the classroom and may stand in the way of their completing a degree.
in the classroom and may stand in the way of their completing a degree.
There’s a growing recognition nationally that students – both in community colleges and four-year institutions – need additional supports to help them persist in school and graduate. Providing holistic student supports requires that institutions become student-ready by integrating and enhancing myriad support services into a seamless, timely, and personal experience for every student.
Mind the Data Gap
Achieving the Dream approaches our data work with the belief that it requires taking a hard look at how people, processes, and systems are working together to make data-informed decisions. We use data to drive our work to innovate and offer new supports and services, and our coaches work closely with ATD Network colleges to integrate data into their work to better support student completion.
A Growing Network, A Deepening Impact
ATD’s national footprint continued to grow in 2018, as we welcomed a group of 21 new colleges, the second largest cohort in ATD’s history, including eight colleges from Tennessee and two colleges funded by The Woodward Hines Education Foundation.
What We Can Learn about Equity from TCUsClosing achievement gaps among students of different races, ethnicities, and financial backgrounds is a common goal that brings ATD Network colleges together. In accordance with our equity statement, we commit to offering students what they need to succeed. But determining how best to do that is perhaps the most difficult challenge we face.
Teaching and Learning in Community College RedesignIn November 2018, ATD President and CEO Dr. Karen A. Stout was invited to deliver the fifth annual W. Dallas Herring Lecture at the North Carolina State University College of Education.
Student Voice is Critical to SuccessStudent success is at the core of Achieving the Dream’s work. We’re committed to incorporating student voice in our work, and to honoring students at ATD Network colleges who have succeeded in spite of the odds.
Foundation Supporters
Achieving the Dream thanks the following foundations for supporting our work in FY2018 to help community college students achieve their goals for academic success, personal growth, and economic opportunity.
Ascendium Education Group Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation College Futures Foundation Lumina Foundation The Annie E. Casey Foundation The Kresge Foundation The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Walmart Foundation, Inc. Woodward Hines Education Foundation |
Achieving the Dream Board of Directors
Dr. Pam Eddinger
Chair President, Bunker Hill Community College Dr. Christine Johnson Vice Chair Chancellor, Spokane Community Colleges Mr. Louis Testoni Treasurer Former Managing Partner of the Lake Erie Market of PricewaterhouseCoopers Mr. Michael Villarreal Secretary Founder, Mission Street Consulting, LLC, Former State Representative, San Antonio, TX Mr. John Mutz Former state representative, senator, and lieutenant governor; Former president of the Lilly Endowment, Inc. and PSI Energy; Former board chair of Lumina Foundation for Education |
Ms. Leah M. Austin
Former Senior Vice President, Lumina Foundation for Education Dr. Alex Johnson President, Cuyahoga Community College Dr. Mary Alice McCarthy Founder and Director, Center on Education and Skills, New America Dr. Nicole Melander Vice President, Strategic Initiatives Campus Labs Mr. Wes Moore CEO, Robin Hood Foundation; Founder, BridgeEdU Dr. Eduardo Padrón President, Miami Dade College Dr. Robert Templin President Emeritus, Northern Virginia Community College Dr. Greg Williams President, Odessa College |
In 2018, we welcomed a new Board of Directors chair, Dr. Pam Eddinger, whose deep experience as a leader in the sector will help us advance our thinking about the next generation of supports that colleges will need to continue as they strive to improve student success on their campuses. We also recognized the leadership of founding Board chair Dr. Robert Templin with a resolution that conveys upon him the designation Board of Director Emeritus, effective with the end of his service on the ATD Board in June 2019.